Saturday, January 14, 2017

Nice picks @ The Life of K

"The pleasant dreams my brother and I had of the physical are over...We had great fun in life though we were of different temperaments. We somehow understood each other without effort...It was a happy life and I shall miss him physically all through this life.
An old dream is dead and a new one is being born, as a flower that pushes through the solid earth...A new strength born of suffering is pulsating in the veins and a new sympathy and understanding is being born out of the past suffering. I greater desire to see others suffer less and, if they must suffer, to see that they bear it nobly and come out of it without too many scars. I have wept but I do not want others to weep but if they do I now know what it means...On the physical plane we could be separated and now we are unseperable... As K I now have greater zeal, greater faith, greater sympathy and greater love for there is also in me the body, the Being, of N...I know now, with greater certainty than ever before, that there is real beauty in life, real happiness that cannot be shattered by any physical happening, a great strength which cannot be weakened by any passing event, and a great love which is permanent, imperishable and unconquerable."

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banker for the belly, has a penchant for knowing something new, jumps into many things from neutrons-netas-nazis-nature, chronicler of anything historical, avid reader, occasional writer, connoisseur of food, amateur photographer, fb addict, blogger, stoic and philosopher at heart...