Saturday, November 15, 2008

Why does Sukhi believe that musicians are next to God

Off late there has been too much of travelling by road. With some of the branches nearby, I steer through the places myself. Courtsey this, I have grown a penchant to music (to be specific something audio); some thing in the background reduces the boredom to some extent. In the process not less than a dozen CDs have entered through my Sony Car system; saving me an incremental bit of musical (note,lyrics, timbre & pitch ) knowledge everytime. With constant jarring (oops sorry this is not the right word) in my ears, I have made a couple of keen observations. I hope the readers would also agree to this

a) With the little bit of classical knowledge that I know and with a couple of good listening sessions of few Ustads through, I can make forth this point clearly that it is all about time. As per Indian musical system, all the ragas are hard-core mathematics in nature. If analysed properly, one can find out that permutations & combinations are used in plenty. Frequency modulations is the key distinct factor distinguishing some closely similar ragas. The variations in pitches and timbres may be drawn closer to I am sure a couple of theorms and equations.
"Time controller", if at all there was any phrase like this, would be used only for God. I am sure all would agree to this. He is the ultimate controller of time; what is going to happen to whom and when, only He can say.

b) I do not know how often one visits a temple (or any other place of worship for that matter) or any place of religious importance. The frequency would vary depending on the individual's occupation, nature and inclination towards godship (if I am allowed to used the term). But each visit provides a comfort; a soothing factor which come as an addendum to each visit. Similar is the reason for mortals when they are inclined towards music.

c) Blessed are those who repeatedly chant the God's name or participate in any such service owing devotion to some idol / God. A regular visit / participation in a relegious discourse keeps one bay from some (if not all) negations that creeps on regularly to one's mind. Similar if one develops a taste for or simpler still compulsively spends some time pondering over some part of a classical rendering, one would enjoy utter tranquility during the period. This is also bound to affect our senses.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Of "pakhal bhaat" and abracadabra

Reason 1: After a long time, its been back to Oriya basic food i.e. Pakhal Bhaat. For non-understandables, its basically wet rice and is primarily a Oriya cuisine revered and preferred particularly in the hot days of the year. I adore it so much that I can have it just like that with a dash of cold water and few grams of curd. For all foodies who have not tasted it till yet, can give me a buzz regarding the same. I can suggest the best possible combinations with regards to the side-food that can go along with it and all possible permutations with just the rice to give it the best palatable touch. Its not that today was the first day I had it but as I just mentioned it was with the best possible permutations and combinations. Whats more with a like-minded people around gulping down makes it all the more glorious and today it was glorious.

Reason 2: I really have no whim when was the last time I had been to a magic show. I would mention few notables with regard to the show amongst them namely
§ It’s a mirage / hallucination but it’s an art which we must acknowledge that comes with years of practice and is a science since it is all based on proven scientific formulae. Even a seemingly above-average educated person (if I can call myself) got not a single clue on any of the tricks that were being shown by the magician Mr. O P Sharma despite knowing very well that all was a passé; just a trick of the hand
§ In this world of Cartoon network and all sorts of gizmos, its good that atleast some children got an iota of an idea to the various possibilities of science and were able to see some bit of abracadabra which they typically see in television / movies
It was special in another respect too namely its been ages when I had been to a shabby hall / auditorium and today it was amidst smelly air, huge rotary fans of Bentick’s ages and a crowd with which I had never sat

About Me

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banker for the belly, has a penchant for knowing something new, jumps into many things from neutrons-netas-nazis-nature, chronicler of anything historical, avid reader, occasional writer, connoisseur of food, amateur photographer, fb addict, blogger, stoic and philosopher at heart...